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- /*****************************************************************************
- * 6502D Version 0.1 *
- * Bart Trzynadlowski, 1999 *
- * *
- * Feel free to do whatever you wish with this source code provided that you *
- * understand it is provided "as is" and that the author will not be held *
- * responsible for anything that happens because of this software. *
- * *
- * opcode.h: List of 6502 opcodes. *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #define ADC_IMMED 0x69
- #define ADC_ZEROPAGE 0x65
- #define ADC_ZEROPAGE_X 0x75
- #define ADC_ABSOLUTE 0x6d
- #define ADC_ABSOLUTE_X 0x7d
- #define ADC_ABSOLUTE_Y 0x79
- #define ADC_INDIRECT_X 0x61
- #define ADC_INDIRECT_Y 0x71
- #define AND_IMMED 0x29
- #define AND_ZEROPAGE 0x25
- #define AND_ZEROPAGE_X 0x35
- #define AND_ABSOLUTE 0x2d
- #define AND_ABSOLUTE_X 0x3d
- #define AND_ABSOLUTE_Y 0x39
- #define AND_INDIRECT_X 0x21
- #define AND_INDIRECT_Y 0x31
- #define ASL_A 0x0a
- #define ASL_ZEROPAGE 0x06
- #define ASL_ZEROPAGE_X 0x16
- #define ASL_ABSOLUTE 0x0e
- #define ASL_ABSOLUTE_X 0x1e
- #define BCC 0x90
- #define BCS 0xb0
- #define BEQ 0xf0
- #define BIT_ZEROPAGE 0x24
- #define BIT_ABSOLUTE 0x2c
- #define BMI 0x30
- #define BNE 0xd0
- #define BPL 0x10
- #define BRK 0x00
- #define BVC 0x50
- #define BVS 0x70
- #define CLC 0x18
- #define CLD 0xd8
- #define CLI 0x58
- #define CLV 0xb8
- #define CMP_IMMED 0xc9
- #define CMP_ZEROPAGE 0xc5
- #define CMP_ZEROPAGE_X 0xd5
- #define CMP_ABSOLUTE 0xcd
- #define CMP_ABSOLUTE_X 0xdd
- #define CMP_ABSOLUTE_Y 0xd9
- #define CMP_INDIRECT_X 0xc1
- #define CMP_INDIRECT_Y 0xd1
- #define CPX_IMMED 0xe0
- #define CPX_ZEROPAGE 0xe4
- #define CPX_ABSOLUTE 0xec
- #define CPY_IMMED 0xc0
- #define CPY_ZEROPAGE 0xc4
- #define CPY_ABSOLUTE 0xcc
- #define DEC_ZEROPAGE 0xc6
- #define DEC_ZEROPAGE_X 0xd6
- #define DEC_ABSOLUTE 0xce
- #define DEC_ABSOLUTE_X 0xde
- #define DEX 0xca
- #define DEY 0x88
- #define EOR_IMMED 0x49
- #define EOR_ZEROPAGE 0x45
- #define EOR_ZEROPAGE_X 0x55
- #define EOR_ABSOLUTE 0x4d
- #define EOR_ABSOLUTE_X 0x5d
- #define EOR_ABSOLUTE_Y 0x59
- #define EOR_INDIRECT_X 0x41
- #define EOR_INDIRECT_Y 0x51
- #define INC_ZEROPAGE 0xe6
- #define INC_ZEROPAGE_X 0xf6
- #define INC_ABSOLUTE 0xee
- #define INC_ABSOLUTE_X 0xfe
- #define INX 0xe8
- #define INY 0xc8
- #define JMP_ABSOLUTE 0x4c
- #define JMP_INDIRECT 0x6c
- #define JSR 0x20
- #define LDA_IMMED 0xa9
- #define LDA_ZEROPAGE 0xa5
- #define LDA_ZEROPAGE_X 0xb5
- #define LDA_ABSOLUTE 0xad
- #define LDA_ABSOLUTE_X 0xbd
- #define LDA_ABSOLUTE_Y 0xb9
- #define LDA_INDIRECT_X 0xa1
- #define LDA_INDIRECT_Y 0xb1
- #define LDX_IMMED 0xa2
- #define LDX_ZEROPAGE 0xa6
- #define LDX_ZEROPAGE_Y 0xb6
- #define LDX_ABSOLUTE 0xae
- #define LDX_ABSOLUTE_Y 0xbe
- #define LDY_IMMED 0xa0
- #define LDY_ZEROPAGE 0xa4
- #define LDY_ZEROPAGE_X 0xb4
- #define LDY_ABSOLUTE 0xac
- #define LDY_ABSOLUTE_X 0xbc
- #define LSR_A 0x4a
- #define LSR_ZEROPAGE 0x46
- #define LSR_ZEROPAGE_X 0x56
- #define LSR_ABSOLUTE 0x4e
- #define LSR_ABSOLUTE_X 0x5e
- #define NOP 0xea
- #define ORA_IMMED 0x09
- #define ORA_ZEROPAGE 0x05
- #define ORA_ZEROPAGE_X 0x15
- #define ORA_ABSOLUTE 0x0d
- #define ORA_ABSOLUTE_X 0x1d
- #define ORA_ABSOLUTE_Y 0x19
- #define ORA_INDIRECT_X 0x01
- #define ORA_INDIRECT_Y 0x11
- #define PHA 0x48
- #define PHP 0x08
- #define PLA 0x68
- #define PLP 0x28
- #define ROL_A 0x2a
- #define ROL_ZEROPAGE 0x26
- #define ROL_ZEROPAGE_X 0x36
- #define ROL_ABSOLUTE 0x2e
- #define ROL_ABSOLUTE_X 0x3e
- #define ROR_A 0x6a
- #define ROR_ZEROPAGE 0x66
- #define ROR_ZEROPAGE_X 0x76
- #define ROR_ABSOLUTE 0x6e
- #define ROR_ABSOLUTE_X 0x7e
- #define RTI 0x40
- #define RTS 0x60
- #define SBC_IMMED 0xe9
- #define SBC_ZEROPAGE 0xe5
- #define SBC_ZEROPAGE_X 0xf5
- #define SBC_ABSOLUTE 0xed
- #define SBC_ABSOLUTE_X 0xfd
- #define SBC_ABSOLUTE_Y 0xf9
- #define SBC_INDIRECT_X 0xe1
- #define SBC_INDIRECT_Y 0xf1
- #define SEC 0x38
- #define SED 0xf8
- #define SEI 0x78
- #define STA_ZEROPAGE 0x85
- #define STA_ZEROPAGE_X 0x95
- #define STA_ABSOLUTE 0x8d
- #define STA_ABSOLUTE_X 0x9d
- #define STA_ABSOLUTE_Y 0x99
- #define STA_INDIRECT_X 0x81
- #define STA_INDIRECT_Y 0x91
- #define STX_ZEROPAGE 0x86
- #define STX_ZEROPAGE_Y 0x96
- #define STX_ABSOLUTE 0x8e
- #define STY_ZEROPAGE 0x84
- #define STY_ZEROPAGE_X 0x94
- #define STY_ABSOLUTE 0x8c
- #define TAX 0xaa
- #define TAY 0xa8
- #define TSX 0xba
- #define TXA 0x8a
- #define TXS 0x9a
- #define TYA 0x98